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Number of items: 12.

Building a Green Learning Organisation: How organisations can harness employee-driven innovation to prompt sustainability transitions
Research to date still lacks a practice-based framework to understand how employee-driven innovation (EDI) can be harnessed to support organisations to adopt more sustainable practices. This dissertation will explore how EDI can be harnessed for organisational sustainability transitions.

Shared with the World by Elangkathir Duhindan

Exploring innovative practices of smallholder farmers in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya, to centre them as drivers of agroecology practices that address forthcoming challenges of Climate Change and pop
The main aim for this study is to identify how small holder farmers in Elgeyo Marakwet County, northwest Kenya, are the drivers of innovation for agricultural methods, and how we may harness these processes in collaboration with other institutions in order to promote sustainable intensification of agriculture, as it is the backbone of the economy of many African countries. This is done through analysis of secondary data previously collected by the IGP PROCOL Kenya team and primary quantitative data in the form of semi-structured in-depth interviews with farmer in the Elgeyo Marakwet County.

Shared with the World by Elangkathir Duhindan

Government intervention in the evolutionary process of innovation districts: a comparison of Tech city in East London and 22@ Barcelona
The work aims to study government intervention in the evolutionary process of innovation districts and conduct a comparative study of Tech City in London and 22@ Barcelona.

Shared with the World by Elangkathir Duhindan

Harol Koyama, IdaTech: UCL Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series [URL hyperlink to video file]
Harol Koyama, IdaTech: UCL Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series January 27th 2011

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

Jack Jackman, DRFP Holdings: Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series November 1st, 2012 [URL hyperlink to video file]
Jack Jackman from DRFP Holdings for the Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series on November 1st, 2012. Jack talks about business models and entrepreneurial sustainability.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

Keith Day from Ubiquisys: Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series [URL hyperlink to video file]
Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series January 28th 2010 featuring Keith Day from Ubiquisys. Keith tlaks about his experiences of being an entrepreneur and offers others his advice.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

Marta Fernandez, Arup: Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series Autumn 2010 [URL hyperlink to video file]
Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series Autumn 2010: Marta Fernandez, Arup

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

Tim Stonor from Space Syntax, Daniel Hume from NP Complete and Sally Broom from Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series [URL hyperlink to video file]
Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture Series December 4, 2008 featuring a panel of entrepreneurs who are Tim Stonor, Daniel Hume and Sally Broom from Space Syntax, NP Complete and YourSafePlanet respectively. They talk about their experiences as entrepreneurs.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

UCL Bright Ideas Award 2010 [URL hyperlink to video file]
UCL Bright Ideas Award presented to Martin Caparotta from The Sports Review at the UCL Enterprise Awards 2010.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

UCL Bright Ideas Challenge (Phase 1) [URL hyperlink to video file]
Starting from more than 200 student, staff and recent graduate sign ups Phase 1 of the UCL Bright Ideas Challenge came to a close following two extraordinary days of business idea pitches.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

UCL Provost's Spirit of Enterprise Award 2011 [URL hyperlink to video file]
UCL Provost's Spirit of Enterprise Award 2011 awarded to David Chapman at the 2011 UCL Awards for Enterprise.

Shared with the World by Melissa Lamptey

Urban Agglomeration as Catalyst for Regional Innovation: A Study of Planning Policy Implications in Yangtze River Delta
With the geographical expansion of economic development and the evolution of production method, urban agglomerations have become the new arena for innovative activities. Current research has studied the causation, performance, and synergy of innovative activities within agglomerations from both spontaneous and institutional perspectives. This dissertation chooses the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration (YRDUA) as the case study. Although previous scholars have examined the evolution of regional innovation in YRDUA, few of them linked the changes with agglomeration policies. This dissertation aims to determine how spatial planning policies influence regional innovation capacity within an urban agglomeration over time. In this context, urban agglomeration is defined as a highly development spatial pattern of cities who compete while also seek collaboration with each other, and regional innovation capacity (RIC) is defined as the acquisition, absorption, and transmission of knowledge and technology that improve the output of products and services within a region. The study is based on the quantitative analysis of indices measuring innovation capacity and policy reviews. The evaluation framework is selected from the China Regional Innovation Capability Report and policies are retrieved from official public websites. Data are processed with the Principal Component Analysis under SPSS. The results indicate that although the ranking of regional innovation capacity did not change, their divergence has significantly narrowed. Further analysis suggests that policies have influenced the determinants and overall performance of RIC. On this basis, it is recommended that future policies aim at promoting regional comparative advantage and further exploring the utilisation of market mechanisms. Further research is needed to establish a more context-specific evaluation framework and identify the policy effect on the trickle-down of innovation capacities.

Shared with the World by Elangkathir Duhindan

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 10:26:25 2025 UTC.